четверг, 9 августа 2018 г.

Christopher Robin

Hello everyone!

I haven't posted anything for a very long time. But today, after I went to a small and comfortable cinema I decided to make a post about a movie I saw.


Волшебная страна Today I would like to write about a brand new Disney movie, which came out recently. I’m talking about Mark Forster’s “Christopher Robin”. One may remember this talented director because of his biopic “Finding Neverland”. An attentive viewer may spot some similar episodes in his new work.

At first, one may think that this story is very simple. Main character is tired of all the hustle and bustle of London and tries to find a solution to a difficult situation which he faces at his job. Suddenly he meets someone from the past (Winnie The Pooh to be more exact) and realizes that everything that he thought to be important is rubbish. Robin decides to start a new life and reaffirm his values. But if we look deeper we will see that Mark Forster has put much more into it. Nowadays we are facing lots of problems and troubles which seem irresolvable, but one just has to stop for a moment and rethink his life, all his decisions and deeds and everything becomes clearer. I think this is the main idea of this movie.

I would also like to mention the cast. One may spot that Mark Forster is a huge admirer of talented actors and stars (having a really good cast is the only way to make a high quality movie). In “ Finding Neverland” the main character is played by Johnny Depp (this is already a mark of quality). “Christopher Robin” is not an exception. Here we can admire Ewan McGregor who is famous for his roles in “Star Wars”, “The Island”, "The Ghost Writer"etc. In this film he appears as an unusual character, sometimes he reminds us of a comic. However, this is a huge plus because being an actor means being different.

 In the end, I would like to say that this film will please people of different age: young and old as it touches upon eternal values such as love, family and true friendship. In my personal opinion, the tag of this film is the following: “Listen to your heart and it will show you the right way!”

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